Hotel Hasenauer GmbH
Hotel Hasenauer GmbH
Fritz Steger und Hanni Steger, Sabrina Steger und Fritz Steger Jun.
VAT Reg No: ATU 33614309
Registration No.: FN 64594 t
Court: Landesgericht Salzburg
Member of the Economic Chamber Salzburg, hotel business
Schwarzacherweg 157
A-5754 Hinterglemm
Tel.: +43 6541 6332
Fax: +43 6541 6332-60
Bic Sift RVSA AT 2S 052
IBAN At 35 3505 2000 0001 0868
Editor and Webmaster responsible for the planning, implementation and supervision of Internet content, and for administration.
Concept, web design
and technical implementation
WESEO Onlineagency
T: +43 800 400 877 | E:
Strategy, Hotel-Marketing & Consulting:
6020 Innsbruck
Corporate Design – in cooperation with:
6020 Innsbruck
Tourismusverband Saalbach Hinterglemm, Mirja Geh, Christian Wöckinger, Tom Bause, Daniel Roos, Tina Roos, FotoJank, Erich Spiess, Mia Knoll, Klemens König, Moritz Ablinger, Christoph Johann, Klaus Listl, Lukas Pilz, Stefan Voitl, Christian Reifenberg, Sebastian Marko, GEPA pictures, Markus Landauer | Lindlingalm – Fam. Hasenauer | Fotolia | puhhha, Moving Pictures | Shutterstock 63626374, Ramona Heim | Ludwig Haidinger – | Michael Huber | Edi Groeger | White Pearl Mountain Days – Matthias Heschl | Daniel Roos | Andreas Wimmer | ©, Matthias Kendler-makeArt
Information on online dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14, paragraph 2 of the ODR Regulation
European Commission operates a platform to help users and traders settle online disputes (known as the ODR platform). The ODR platform serves as single point of entry for out-of-court resolution of disputes arising from online purchase contracts and service contracts. This platform can be found at
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